Aoshu Zhong, postdoc at the NIH.

Aoshu Zhong photo

About me

2019-current, Postdoctoral Fellow, National Institutes of Health (NIH); advisor: Gisela (Gigi) Storz.

2018-2019, Postdoctoral Fellow, California Institute of Technology; advisor: Jacqueline K. Barton.

2012-2018, Ph.D. in Division of Chemical Biology & Medicinal Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, The University of Texas at Austin; advisor: Hung-wen (Ben) Liu; thesis title "Biosynthetic Studies of Oxetanocin A and Mechanistic Studies of a B12-Dependent Radical SAM Enzyme".

2008-2012, B.S. in Chemistry, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China; advisor: Zhen Li.

CV (updated June 11, 2024)

Google Scholar, LinkedIn

Research interests: investigate the mechanisms of action of known antiphage defense systems and discover novel small antiphage defense molecules with the long-term goal of developing innovative biotechnology and antimicrobial therapeutics.


04/18/2024 Aoshu is a recipient of a FY24 NICHD Early Career Award.

01/03/2024 Our collaborative work on the identification of bilirubin reductase is published in Nature Microbiology.

11/22/2023 Our Rpn work is highlighted by the NIH Division of Intramural Research.

07/24/2023 Aoshu's paper "Toxic Antiphage Defense Proteins Inhibited by Intragenic Antitoxin Proteins" is published in PNAS.

05/03/2023 Aoshu’s manuscript entitled “Toxic Anti-Phage Defense Proteins Inhibited by Intragenic Antitoxin Proteins” is posted on bioRxiv.

03/22/2023 Aoshu is a recipient of a FY23 NICHD Early Career Award.


            Highlighted by Nat. Chem. Biol. (2017, 13, 569). 

            Recommended by F1000.